
That Girl is Going, Going, Gone.

"Photography expresses the words that we cannot speak."- Unknown.

Ever since I can remember, for years I have wondered why am I here? Where am I going? What is the purpose for my existence? Was I created for the simple pleasure of ones enjoyment, or am I here to change the world, to become someone who starts a revolution?
I am going to be a photographer when I finish college. I want to use the skills and talents that I have been blessed with and put them to use. I want to take pictures that will amaze people and bring new meaning to the world of photographic art. I want to intern at a magazine company or a newspaper, to gain experience, but when I become professional, I want to photograph people, a celebrity photographer. I love photography. A beautiful photograph has the ability and power to make people feel emotions that they probably thought  they could never feel.

I believe that I was created, to become some one, to do something extraordinary with my life. I believe that I am on this quest to discover all the wonderful things in life, and on the way, to find myself. My whole life, up to now, I have had people telling me everyday, every minute, that I cannot do something. That I will never amount to anything. I have been told that I am a nobody, to give up, and give in to failure. With all this negativity, you would think that I would give in, but I am not one to let other people decide my future. I love that people doubt me, because the day that I prove them wrong, their expression will be like a Monet extraordinaire.

I am on a quest, a journey, a path in which I make all the choices, I decide what is right and what is wrong. I refuse to live a life that is unsatisfying, depressing, and endless cloudy day. I have seen people with all the talent and potential in the world, throw it all away. I hope that my personal odyssey will encourage and inspire others to go the distance, and be somebody in this world of possibilities I am going to be everything and more, because I have the drive, the mental strength to do things that people only dream of. Nothing as big as Cyclops or as small as an ant is going to stop me and my desires from coming true.