"A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway."
-Jerome Cummings
It was a warm sunny day in Mesquite. Not a cloud was in the sky and a slight breeze swept across the playground at J.R. Thompson Elementary school. Me, a third grader then was running around on the play ground when I saw a girl who looked like my old best friend from my old school, Stephanie. I frantically began waving my arms and running towards the girl, shrieking, "Stephine! Stephine! Stephine!" When I finally got to the the girl, she gave me a weird look and told me her name was Dre'Anna, not Stephine. After questioning her, I apologized and ran back to the swings. That day was the day I met my best friend, Dre'Anna Biffle.

Dre'Anna Biffle is my trickster in my life. She and I have been friends since the third grade and through all those years, to this day I still consider her one of the few people I love and trust. Dre' and I have endured insane and ludicrous moment during our friendship.

Dancing, shouting, yelling random things in the middle of no where with inside jokes flying out of our mouths, this girl make life fun for me. She is like the other half of me. Both of us, raging attitudes, rebel minded and misunderstood. She gets me when nobody else does and I believe it is the same with her. We fight and we argue and we give each other space. We have made our share of mistakes, such as trusting people we knew not to. 

Such as in middle school, there was a boy named Cesar Estrada. Cesar very much liked Dre' and became our "friend." For two years he manipulated us against each other and caused drama. For instance, I would tell him something, then he would twist my words and tell Dre' and vice-versa. Finally after one huge fight Dre' and I sat down and talked, without Cesar. We came to a conclusion that all of our fights were the source of Cesar. After dropping him as a friend, Dre' and I became closer.

Dre' is somebody I can talk to without asking for honesty, she automatically just tells me the truth. She is like me, not afraid to be different, not afraid to say yes, not afaid to be somebody. She makes me smile and I'm always laughing when I'm with her. Every hero needs that trickster, that person that takes away from all the stress, and helps the heros just be happy for a moment. I'm glad I have her.